SCH Number 2013091071

Project Info

Los Osos Communitywide Habitat Conservation Plan; ED13-061
The County of San Luis Obispo is preparing a draft Communitywide Habitat Conservation Plan that will evaluate the biological resources within the community of Los Osos (study area is approximately 3,560 ac ). The primary intent of the Plan would be the long-term protection of at least four listed species found within the Los Osos area. The Draft EIRaddresses the environmental impacts that may be associated with the request by the County of San Luis Obispo, as the applicant, to obtain a programmatic incidental take permit from the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and adoption of a Community-Wide Habitat Conservation Plan. The County is requesting a permit term of 25 years to authorize take of covered species associated with covered activities in the Habitat Conservation Plan area.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
San Luis Obispo County Los Osos Communitywide Habitat Conservation Plan; ED13-061
San Luis Obispo County Los Osos Community - Wide Habitat Conservation Plan and Implementing Agreement