SCH Number 2013071074
Project Info
- Title
- Orosi Rock Surface Mining Permit Amendment
- Description
- The Applicant currently operates a concrete recycling and surface mining operation on 35.13 acres. The operation currently serves the entire region's concrete recycling needs. The applicant will increase production of 1.9 million tons of rock and 2.1 million tons of imported recycled concrete in addition to the existing 6.8 million tons allowed. The total permitted production of aggregate will be 10.8 million tons over the course of the existing 25 year period of the existing permit (to 2030). The applicant will be allowed to store no more than 10,000 tons of aggregate on the Project site. The applicant will continue to require blasting to break up larger rocks that cannot be moved or broken up by mechanical equipment. All blasting will be conducted by a licensed blaster. The excavations requested by the applicant will be to 350' Mean Sea Level (MSL) versus the 400' MSL previously approved. The approximate 35.13 acre Project site is located near the northeast corner of Avenue 420 and Road 144 (approximately 3.5 miles west of Avenue 400 and SR 63) and encompasses APN 035-240-011. The proposed Project is in the Public Land Survey System of Section 10, Township 16S, Range 25E, MDB&M and can be found within the South Orange Cove United States Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5 minute topographic quadrangle.
2 documents in project