SCH Number 2013041047
Project Info
- Title
- Mountain View Park Well Improvements Project
- Description
- SWRCB, as the responsible agency, will be issuing a water supply permit. The city of Chino drilled a 580-foot, 802 gallon per minute well and installed a 125-horse power pump on February 18, 2015. A 4-inch diameter 583 foot long pipe was installed to connect the well to a pump-to-waste line in November 2016. In April 2017, an 8-18 inch wide, 12,450 feet long raw water pipeline was installed to connect the well to the existing regional treatment plant and provide for two future well connections. A 6-foot by 8-foot electronic transformer pad and a 22.4 sq. ft., 5.5 foot tall transformer were installed in May. An 8-inch by 19-foot pump to waste- pipeline was laid in June, to allow for water waste to discharge to an existing catch basin and then the storm drain. In July, a 35-foot by 26-foot driveway for access was constructed. 2,500 feet of paving was installed. One month later, an 18-foot by 36-foot building was completed to house the well and the well's electrical system. 226 feet of 6-foot fencing was installed around the well. The water system project is a part of a larger project that demolished an agricultural well, well building, and transformer at the same site, re-landscaped the area around the demolished structures, built a 256 sq. ft. equipment storage building, and installed an east-west pipeline for storm water. The project will provide for the operation of these facilities.
3 documents in project