SCH Number 2013031079
Project Info
- Title
- Pearblossom Solar Project
- Description
- Note: 1 Hard Copy The proposed project is located at the Pearblossom Pumping Plant operated by DWR. DWR proposes to develop approximately 70 acres within the PBPP site with PV solar panel technology. It is anticipated that approximately 10 megawatt (MW) of energy would be generated by the proposed project. The energy will be transmitted to the CAISO via a SCE 230 kilovolt radial distribution line or alternatively the energy may be used directly by the SWP to offset load. Through the proposed project, DWR would implement a renewable energy project, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions and implementing DWR's Climate Action Plan. The proposed project would include the installation of photovoltaic panels, Direct Current (DC) to Alternating Current (AC) inverters, mounting systems, a substation including step-up transformer, breakers, electrical protection equipment, and metering equipment.
3 documents in project