SCH Number 2012122039
Project Info
- Title
- Oakland International Airport (OAK) South Field Airport Traffic Control Tower (ATCT) Demolition
- Description
- The South Field ATCT at OAK does not meet current seismic code standards and could pose a life safety hazard in the event of a major seismic event. The Port of Oakland concluded that the upgrades required for the South Field ATCT, which is structurally integrated with Terminal 1, to meet current seismic and building code standards, would significantly impact the integrity of the building and usable space, and would be prohibitive. Because a replacement ATCT has been constructed and is scheduled to be operational in 2013, the South Field ATCT will not be needed to provide air traffic control at the Airport once the new ATCT is operational. Therefore, the Port of Oakland has determined that floors three through ten (which extend above Terminal 1) of the South Field ATCT should be demolished as part of the ongoing Terminal 1 renovations.
2 documents in project