SCH Number 2012021008
Project Info
- Title
- Wireless Network Implementation Project
- Description
- The project is the completion of the implementation of a wireless network for the District's Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System (SCADA) to enhance communication/system function. The project includes the construction of 10 poles/towers ranging from 10 to 60 feet within MNWD's service area. Equipment attached to the poles/towers would be a wireless device. Project construction will occur over a two to three month period. The poles/towers will be constructed one at a time and each would take about two to four days to complete.
3 documents in project
Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
NOD | Moulton Niguel Water District (MNWD) | Wireless Network Implementation Project MNWD Project 2006.038 | |
MND | Moulton Niguel Water District (MNWD) | Wireless Network Implementation Project | |
MND | Moulton Niguel Water District (MNWD) | Wireless Network Implementation Project |