SCH Number 2011052082
Project Info
- Title
- Remedial Action Plan for TI Site 27/Former Clipper Cove Skeet Range
- Description
- DTSC is proposing to approve a draft Remedial Action Plan pursuant to authority granted under Chapter 6.8, Division 20, CA Health & Safety Code (H&SC). The purpose of this RAP is to implement remedial actions for Site 27 that are protective of public health and safety and the environment. Site 27 is the shot fall zone at the former naval skeet range and consists of about 19 acres off shore in Clipper Cove. The remedial action objective is to prevent or minimize ingestion of lead shot by diving ducks within 75 feet of the shoreline where there is a complete exposure pathway under current conditions. The RAP accomplishes the remedial action objective by implementing the following activities: focused dredging and backfill, off-site disposal of sediment, Institutional Controls (ICs), and sediment monitoring. No human health risk is associated with Site 27; therefore, there are no remedial action objectives for human health.
2 documents in project