SCH Number 2010062040
Project Info
- Title
- Valley Bio-Energy, LLC 33-MW Biomass Energy Project
- Description
- NOTES: Review Per Lead The proposed project consists of the construction and operation of a33-MW biomass power plant, substation, switchyard, and transmission/subtransmission line, as well as MID entering a Large Generator Interconnection Agreement with VBE to implement the project. The project would be fueled primarily by agricultural wood waste obtained from agricultural operations that are located within 50 miles of the project site. The plant would include an automated fuel feed system, boiler feed water treatment equipment, combustor and boiler, steam turbine generator, condenser, evaporative cooling tower, and air pollution control equipment. The proposed biomass power plant would generate electricity from the biomass and would transmit that electricity to the electrical grid via a proposed transmission or subtransmission line. MID is considering 3 alternatives for the transmission/subtransmission line.
2 documents in project