SCH Number 2010051029

Project Info

Executive Ridge Industrial Subdivision
The California Department of Fish and Game is issuing an Agreement regarding the Stream Alteration to the project applicant, Moxie Pacific Palomar, LLC. The project consists of the division of the approximate 17-acre Executive Ridge Industrial Project site with the purpose to develop an industrial office park consistent with the Vista Business Park Specific Plan. The Project will divide the property into five industrial/commercial lots of varying sizes from 2.78 acres to 3.71 acres and includes construction of one street cul-de-sac for access off West San Marcos Boulevard. The graded pads will remain pervious and will be hydroseeded with a non-invasive, on-irrigated mix to extablish build to suit industrial pads. The Project site is situated on a relatively steep south-facing slope; thus, the site will be graded and ultimately terraced upward from south to north. Ephemeral drainage from the site will be conveyed through the terraced pads via stormdrains to the same point of discharge at West San Marcos Blvd; the drainage joins an unnamed intermittent creek, tributary to San Marcos Creek, ultimately discharging to the Pacific Ocean at Batiquitos Lagoon.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Vista Executive Ridge Industrial Subdivision
City of Vista Executive Ridge Industrial Subdivision