SCH Number 2010042069
Project Info
- Title
- Greenwood Kingdon Hall (S 09-0014)
- Description
- The project includes a request for a 4,540 sf place of worship with a 600 sf covered drop-off area. Parking would be provided for up to 67 vehicles. Outdoor lighting and landscaping to be provided within the parking areas. The facility would be utilized during the day, primarily on weekends and evenings during the week. All meetings and gatherings of large groups would conclude prior to 10:00 PM in order for all vehicles to vacate teh premises prior to 10:00 PM. Nighttime use by small groups (up to 6 vehicles) may occur between the hours of 10:00 PM and 7:00 AM. The project would be accessed from SR 193, with a shoulder bypass lane on the north side of SR 193. Caltrans would allow an alternative to this design with a smaller radius of 35 feet with a 100-foot inbound taper. A two-foot gravel shoulder would be required on either side of the driveway. Caltrans is the permitting agency for all permits related to this improvements.
2 documents in project