SCH Number 2010041049
Project Info
- Title
- Rancho Las Flores Water Reservoir and Booster Pump
- Description
- The Coachella Water Authority proposes to construct a 5 million gallon water storage reservoir and booster pump station within the proposed Rancho Las Flores park site on ~2.1 acres adjacent to the existing 0.23 acre Well No. 17 site. The new reservoir and booster pumping station (~1,500 sf) would be known as the Rancho Las Flores Facility. The proposed reservoir and pumping station includes a tank height og 28.5 ft and a high water elevation 5 ft above MSL with discharge fromt the new booster pumping station connected directly to the 16 inch water main at Mitchell Drive and a 16 inch diameter water pipeline between Avenue 48 and 49.
2 documents in project