SCH Number 2009062014
Project Info
- Title
- Eureka Broadcasting Company Conditional Use Permit
- Description
- A Conditional Use Permit for the replacement of two 245 ft tall radio broadcasting antennae and appurtenant facilities for the Eureka Broadcasting Company. The existing towers were installed in 1955. The project also includes structural reinforcement of the existing foundations and associated guy wires. Antenna radials and coaxial cables will also be replaced. Repairs will also be made to an existing catwalk that is used for access to the towers. The foundation improvement will require the temporary removal of soil around the existing structures. Each 2 ft by 2 ft foundation will be reinforced with 34.6 sf of concrete, 15.9 sf of which will be below grade. Once completed, the area around the site will be backfilled with the previously removed material and revegetated. A new coaxial cable will be installed and run from both towers to the radio station, located on APN 014-271-04. No change in height is proposed.
2 documents in project