SCH Number 2009021008
Project Info
- Title
- Del Mar Specific Plan - Recirculated
- Description
- CDFw is issuing a CESA Scientific, Educational, or Management Permit pursuant to Fish and Game Code section 2081, subdivision (a) for the Project, which authorizes export, take, and possession of the endangered Tidestrom's lupine I(Lupinus tidestromii) for the purposes of expanding an existing population of the plant. The Project will include collecting and propagating seeds of Tidestrom's lupine, monitoring. Project activities are being conducted as part of a larger dune restoration project which includes installing cable fencing along existing trails to protect occupied Tidestrom's lupine habitat, non-native plant removal, removing dead and non-native trees, sand stabilization, and installation of educational signs. The purpose of the Project is to expand the population of Tidestrom's lupine on the North Dunes and to enhance and restore the habitat features of the Project and the Project activities that may be implemented under the project.
4 documents in project