SCH Number 2008121035
Project Info
- Title
- Foster Farms Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant
- Description
- The applicant is seeking approval from the City of Livingston (City) to construct and operate a private Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant (IWWTP) and conduct associated water reclamation activities on approximately 240 acres of undeveloped land adjacent to the existing Foster Farms Livingston Chicken Processing Complex in the City of Livingston, Merced County, California. In addition, approval of Waste Discharge Requirements (WDRs) is required from the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board (Regional Board), as well as permit review by the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD) The IWWTP's water treatment facilities include six treatment tanks ranging from 50 to 115 feet in diameter and 18 to 32 feet high, an operations building, below grade manholes and pump wells, and underground pipes; a 6-million gallon double-lines Waste Sludge Storage Lagoon; and a 35-million gallon unlined final effluent storage reservoir. These facilities will occupy approximately 17 acres.
2 documents in project