SCH Number 2008111069
Project Info
- Title
- Proposed South Region High School No. 12-Site 1
- Description
- The project involves approval of a Remedial Action Plan (RAP) by the Department of Toxic Substances Control for the proposed South Region High School #12, Site 1 pursuant to Health and Safety Code chapter 6.8. The RAP focuses on (1) excavation and off-site disposal of onsite shallow soils impacted with metals and total petroleum hydrocarbons; (2) a combination of excavation and off-site disposal, installation and operation of a soil vapor extraction system (SVE), for deeper soils impacted with volatile organic compunds (VOCs); and (3) in situ shemical oxidation of groundwater impacted with chlorinated VOCs. An approved Operations, Monitoring, and Maintenance Plan will be conducted after the Site is backfilled, SVE is initiated and in Situ Chemical Oxidation is completed. The OMMP may consist of soil gas and groundwater monitoring wells requiring long term monitoring. The RAP is incorporated by reference.
2 documents in project