SCH Number 2008071092
Project Info
- Title
- Westside Specific Plan
- Description
- DTSC reviewed the Westside Specific Plan, Final Environmental Impact Report and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (FEIR), February 2010 and the Westside Specific Plan, Final Environmental Impact Report and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Addendum (FEIR Addendum), February 2014 prepared by the City of National City. DTSC's involvement has been to ensure that the environmental investigation and cleanup actions are conducted in a safe and protective manner, suitable for the development, by reviewing and approving the Property Mitigation Plan Removal Action Workplan (PMP/RAW) for the Transit Oriented Development Area and the Property Mitigation Plan Removal Action Workplan Addendum (PMP/RAW) Transit Oriented Development Area, dated February 28, 2014. The PMP/RAW describes the existing environmental contamination associated with the use of the property as a public works yard, establishes removal action objectives for protection of human health and the environment, and presents the cleanup plan.
4 documents in project