SCH Number 2008042010

Project Info

Deer Creek Tribute Trail and Restoration Project
The Friends of Deer Creek are requesting $207,345 in Sierra Nevada Conservancy Proposition 84 Strategic Opportunity Grant funds to restore and make accessible a publicly-owned piece of creekside land for the benefit of the environment and community. The Nevada City Environs Trail and Restoration Project is part of the larger, previously-approved Deer Creek Triubte Trail Project. The Nevada City Environs Trail will connect to the previously-approved Deer Creek Tribute Trail, completing an eight-mile loop that connects both sides of the creek. Additional project details are included in the attached documents.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Nevada City Nevada City Environs Trail and Restoration Project (SNC 080092)
City of Nevada City Deer Creek Tribute Trail and Restoration Project
City of Nevada City Deer Creek Tribute Trail and Restoration Project
City of Nevada City Deer Creek Tribute Trail and Restoration Project
City of Nevada City Deer Creek Tribute Trail and Restoration Project