SCH Number 2007121107
Project Info
- Title
- UCLA Hilgard Graduate Housing Project
- Description
- The project will redevelop three University-owned, off-campus undergraduate student housing facilities to help meet demand for affordable housing by single graduate students within walking distance of the UCLA main campus. The project will demolish the three existing structures (~31,749 gsf total) and construct two new, 2- to 4-story, apartment style, residential structures (totaling ~44,865 gsf) on two sites (720-726 and 824). The approximately 21 month construction period is anticipated to begin in fall 2008. At completion, the project will include a total of 82 studio units and 53 underground parking spaces. Net new construction will total ~13,071 gs. The project would result in a reduced population: from ~109 undergraduate students to 82 graduate studenst. If needed, overflow parking will be provided on campus in Parking Structure 2. The new buildings will be constructed to meet the UC-equivalent LEED New Construction "certified" green building requirements, and would be substantially consistent with the height, setback, and density requirements of the Westwood Community Plan.
2 documents in project