SCH Number 2007111103
Project Info
- Title
- LU06-0126 Expansion of Greenhouse Nursery
- Description
- Expand the operation by adding: (i) two approximately 20-acre metal and glass greenhouses to expand their hydroponic tomato production operations (method of growing plants using mineral nutrient solutions instead of soil); (ii) proposed construction to support the facility expansion including approximately 45,830 square feet of new development including a proposed loading dock, cooler, packing house, office, guard shack and two 1 million gallon water tanks; (iii) 288 parking spaces, to provide a total of 344 parking spaces. Proposed access roads and parking areas would be surfaced with gravel to retain as much pervious area on the site as possible (except for required disabled parking and the loading dock); (iv) a 60-foot wide bridge to the project site from Laguna Road to provide secondary access.
2 documents in project