SCH Number 2007102106
Project Info
- Title
- James Donlon Boulevard Extension
- Description
- Note: Response To Comments + 1 CD (City of Pittsburg) The proposed project would consist of a 1.71-mile extension of James Donlon Boulevard from the western edge of the approved Sky Ranch II Subdivision to Kirker Pass Road. The proposed project would provide a limited access arterial roadway to serve regional circulation needs and relieve existing traffic congestion on Buchanan Road, which currently receives a high volume of commute traffic between the cities of Antioch and Concord. Beginning at James Donlon Boulevard, the extension would transition to a two-lane roadway designed to rural road standards. The road would transition to a four-lane roadway near the intersection with Kirker Pass Road and would be designed to urban road standards. Kirker Pass Road, from Nortonville Road to the City limit line would be upgraded from rural road standards to urban road standards. The James Donlon Boulevard/Kirker Pass Road intersection would be a four-way signalized intersection with the proposed Montreux Drive.
4 documents in project