SCH Number 2007092079

Project Info

Cal-One Cellular Minor Subdivision and Zone Reclassification
A Minor Subdivision to create two 5-acre parcels. One parcel is currently developed with a 120-foot tall lattice cellular tower and typical small support sheds. The other proposed parcel 0is developed with two legal, nonconforming residences, a variety of sheds and outbuildings and a barn which is currently in violation of County Code given that a residence on the second floor was developed without the benefit of permits. As a condition of approval to be accomplished prior to recordation of the map, this structure will be converted back to nonhabitable space and its on-site sewage disposal system removed according to Environmental Health standards. The two legal residences are connected to community water and sewer. The site is within the Alquist-Priolo Special Studies Zone (A-P) and preliminary trenching has indicated the presence of significant faulting and potential geologic hazard. To complete a standard Fault Evaluation Report (FER) which would identify additional building sites would be very costly and time consuming. The applicant and Planning Division have agreed to separate the two existing uses and adopt a B-6 combining zone that would prohibit any further subdivision and a Qualified (Q) combining zone that restricts development subject to requirements of the A-P Act until such time as a full FER identifying suitable building sites can be provided. The small portion of the property zoned AE-60 is in the Coastal zone, but the proposed subdivision line will be outside the Coastal zone, thus a CDP is not required. No new development will occur as a result of this subdivision.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Humboldt County Cal-One Cellular Minor Subdivision and Zone Reclassification
Humboldt County Cal-One Cellular Minor Subdivision and Zone Reclassification