SCH Number 2007071157
Project Info
- Title
- Fairway Business Park Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration, General Plan Amendment No. 2007-03
- Description
- CDFG is executing a Lake or Streambed ALteration Agreement (SAA # 1600-2009-0024-R6) pursuant to Section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code to the project Applicant, ARI Chaney LLC, C/O Fairway Commercial Partners, represented by Mr. Rod Oshita. The Applicant is proposing to construct a business park composed of 24 office buildings with associated parking, landscapingm and drainage features. Grading of the project site will result in the permanent filling of Unnamed Seasonal Ponded Drainage. Two stormdrain outlet structures will be constructed within the Lake Elsinore Outlet Channel to convey storm flows from the project site and prevent flooding. An Unnamed Tributary Drainage to the Lake Elsinore Outlet Channel will be modified to resolve existing drainage problems on 3rd Street.
3 documents in project
Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
NOD | City of Lake Elsinore | Fairway Business Park Project | |
NOD | City of Lake Elsinore | Fairway Business Park Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration, General Plan Amendment No. 2007-03 | |
MND | City of Lake Elsinore | Fairway Business Park Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration, General Plan Amendment No. 2007-03 |