SCH Number 2007062069

Project Info

Circle S Ranch Vineyard (#06-01508-ECPA)
Note: FINAL The Draft EIR was circulated through the Governor's Office of Planning and Research, State Clearinghouse (SCH Number 2007062069) for a 45-day public review period from November 24, 2008 through January 9, 2009. Subsequent to the preparation of the Draft EIR, additional studies were completed to address concerns in the areas of biological resources, groundwater use, transportation and traffic, and greenhouse gas emissions. These studies revealed additional information not available at the time of circulation of the Draft EIR. As a result, it was determined that further analysis would be required to determine the extent of potential impacts as a result of the project. Based on these determinations, this Supplement to the Draft EIR has been prepared and is being circulated pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15088.5.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Napa County Circle S Ranch Erosion Control Plan Application No. P06-01508-ECPA
Napa County Circle S Ranch Erosion Control Plan Application No. P06-01508-ECPA
Napa County Circle S Ranch #P06-01508-ECPA
Napa County Circle S Ranch #P06-01508-ECPA