SCH Number 2007032116
Project Info
- Title
- Crystal Bay
- Description
- 1) Authorization to Annex 174+/- acres into the city limits; 2) General Plan Amendment to change the General Plan Designation from Low-Density Residential to Medium-Density Residential, High-Density Residential, Open Space and Parks and Recreation; 3) a Precise Road plan amendment to allow an extension of Eight Mile Road from the existing boundary (9,000 feet west of the Interstate 5 right-of-way) westerly to Bishop Cut and install a new 96-foot wide full access right-of-way located approximately 1,550 feet east of Rio Blanco Road adjacent to the site; and 4) Prezoning to RL (Residential, Low Density), RM (Residential, Medium Density), RH (Residential, High Density), OS (Open Space) and PF (Public Facilities).
4 documents in project