SCH Number 2006112008
Project Info
- Title
- La Loma Sanitary Sewer Lift Station Upgrades
- Description
- The proposed project includes constructing a new sewer lift station in Moose Park, abandoning the existing La Loma Lift Station drywells, abandoning-in-place the existing creek crossing, adding a new 10" pipe encased in a 24" carrier pipe under Dry Creek, and adding a new manhole on the east side of dry creek. Gravity flow from the existing lift station wet well will be routed through a 10" pipe encased within a 24-inch steel carrier pipe north to the new lift station. A new 6" forcemain from the new lift station will tie in to an existing 6-inch forcemain. A new 8-inch pipe encased within an 18-inch steel carrier pipe will be installed El Rio Avenue to replace an aging pipe that currently serves residential units.
3 documents in project