SCH Number 2006111089
Project Info
- Title
- Aspen Investments Industrial Subdivision 2005-TM-02
- Description
- The State of California Department of Fish and Game is entering into a Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement (SAA # 1600-2009-0149-R5 revision3) with Aspen Companies, pursuant to Section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code. The Applicant intends to alter the streambed by constructing an industrial subdivision (Tract No. 5428) in the Santa Paula area. There are two small drainages on-site, including a storm drain outlet, which drain adjacent areas and ultimately empty in to the Santa Clara River. These drainages (0.22 acres permanent impact) will be permanently impacted in the construction of the site and the storm drain will be relocated to outlet in to a concrete trapezoidal channel that will run along the western edge of the property and outlet at a 15' x 15' quarter-ton ungrouted riprap pad. Surface flows from the site will be directed in to a newly constructed retention basin (estimated 300sf) at the south-western end of the project footprint. This basin will be constructed at river elevation and an outlet channel to the retention basin will consist of 2-50 foot long by 5 feet wide ungrouted riprap bank structures. The basin will be accessed from an adjacent area within the project footprint. The remaining portion of the site will be raised from the current elevation. The southern end of the project site will consist of the construction of a new bank placed at the Public Levee and Bank Protection Line.
2 documents in project