SCH Number 2006091008

Project Info

City of Fresno E.A. No. R-05-104 / T-5633 for "Los Olivos II"
Rezone No. R-05-104 redesignates 96.3 acres of this overall property from RR (Rural Residential, Fresno County zoning) to R-1/UGM (Single-Family Residential District/Urban Growth Management Area); and 9 +/- acres from RR to O/UGM (Open Conservation District/UGM Area), consistent with the assigned and underlying medium density residential and open space land use designations and policies of the 2025 Fresno General Plan and West Area Community Plan. Vesting Tentative Tract Map 5633/UGM subdivides this property into up to 461 single-family residential lots and seven outlots for open space, pedestrian, and recreational uses (including a 7.5 +/- acre neighborhood park on the northeast corner of Olive and Bryan Avenues), with concomitant grading and installation of related urban service infrastructure such as frontage improvements and center section extensions on West McKinley North Bryan, and West Olive Avenues, on- and off-site installation of water and sewer utility facilities, and traffic signal improvements for major street intersections on McKinley Avenue east of the project vicinity. The project includes cancellation of Agricultural Land Conservation Contracts (ALCCs) Nos. 1298 and 2956 and partial cancellation of ALCC No. 845, approved by the Fresno County Board of Supervisors on January 9, 2007. It also includes annexation of this property to the City of Fresno, and its detachment from the Kings River Conservation District and the North Central Fire District, prior to issuance of construction permits or approval of a Final Tract Map (annexation is under the jurisdiction of the Fresno County Local Agency Formation Commission).
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Fresno City of Fresno E.A. No. R-05-104 / T-5633 for "Los Olivos II"
City of Fresno City of Fresno E.A. No. R-05-104 / T-5633 for "Los Olivos II"