SCH Number 2006042139
Project Info
- Title
- Casali Parcel Map Subdivision PMS-05-29/SP-05-96
- Description
- A minor subdivision of an approximately 120 acre parcel into three parcels of approximately 40 acres each. The property is currently developed with a single family residence and on-site wastewater treatment system that will be situated on Parcel 2. Also included in this project is a Special Permit to allow for an existing road, which crosses a streamside management area, to serve as a driveway accessing proposed parcel 3. All 3 parcels will receive water from an existing deeded spring area on an adjacent parcel. Proposed parcels 1 and 3 each have existing 2,500 gallon water storage tanks, and would be served by on-site sewage disposal systems. Access to all three parcels will be via a proposed 50' wide access easement to Briceland-Thorn Road across APN 220-091-25, which is also owned by the applicant.
2 documents in project