SCH Number 2005092067

Project Info

Natomas Central (P04-173)
Natomas Central PUD, Revised Proposal for the development of 40 single-unit dwellings, requiring a General Plan Amendment of 8.4 acres from Suburban Neighborhood High Density to Suburban Neighborhood Medium Density; Rezone/Pre-zone from Multi-Unit Dwelling Zone (R-3) to Single-Unit or Duplex Dwelling Zone (R-1A) zone within the Natomas Central PUD; Tentative Map 5-50 Parcels to subdivide 8.4 acres into 40 single-unit lots, 2 emergency vehicle access lots, and 1 landscape lot; Single Unit and Duplex Dwelling Site Plan and Design Review for 3 house plans and 3 elevations each for 40 proposed single-unit lots.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Sacramento Natomas Central PUD/Westshore Villages Lot E (P15-032)
City of Sacramento Natomas Central (P04-173)
City of Sacramento Natomas Central (P04-173)