SCH Number 2005082099
Project Info
- Title
- City of Mt. Shasta General Plan Revision Draft EIR
- Description
- The City of Mt. Shasta is proposing a revision of the City's General Plan. The project is a comprehensive amendment to revise and update the City's General Plan. The principle content of the current general plan was adopted in 1993. The City proposes amendments of general plan goals, policies and implementation measures contained in the Land Use Element, the Circulation Element, a combined Open Space/Conservation Element, the Safety Element, and the Noise Element, the Safety Element, and the Noise Element. The City is also considering related revisions in its Land Development Code. The Draft EIR discusses the following environmental issues related to the proposed revision of the General Plan: land use; population/housing; transportation and traffic; geology, soils and mineral resources; hazards; noise; biological resources; air quality; cultural resources; public service and utilities; aesthetics and visual resources; and hydrology/water quality.
3 documents in project