SCH Number 2005081106
Project Info
- Title
- SDG&E Silvergate Transmission Substation Project - CPCN Application No. 05-03-024
- Description
- CDFG is intending to execute a Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement pursuant to Section 1602 of Fish and Game Code (SAA #1600-2006-0328-R5) to the project applicant, San Diego Gas & Electric. The applicant proposes to use horizontal directional drilling (HDD) to install a new 138 kilovolt transmission line below the Sweetwater Marsh and Paradise Creek. The drill entry and exit pits will be located on the north and south side of the marsh (respectively) within the Operator's right-of-way and outside of the drainages, marsh, and any wetland vegetation. In order to accurately locate and direct the drill bit during drilling of the pilot hole, a surface monitoring system consisting of a wire grid will be established across the marsh between the entry and exit pits. This wire grid will be removed at the completion of the drilling operation. Construction at this location will be conducted between September 1 and February 15, outside of the rainy season and bird breeding season, to minimize potential impacts to water quality and biological resources.
5 documents in project
Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
NOD | California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) | SAA #1600-2006-0328-R5 | |
NOD | California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) | Silvergate Transmission Substation Project - CPCN Application No. 05-03-024 | |
FIN | California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) | SDG&E Silvergate Transmission Substation Project - CPCN Application No. 05-03-024 | |
EIR | California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) | SDG&E Silvergate Transmission Substation Project - CPCN Application No. 05-03-024 | |
NOP | California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) | Silvergate Transmission Substation Project - CPCN Application No. 05-03-024 |