SCH Number 2005072139

Project Info

Metro Air Park Neighborhood Electric Distribution Project
SMUD proposes to construct and operate two neighborhood distribution substations and associated 69-kV subtransmission lines that would be added to the SMUD electrical system. The features for each substation include: - Two 69/12-kV power transformers - Metal-clad switchgear - Eight capacitor banks - Two switch poles - Two station battery banks - Oil containment - Subtransmission line Segment 1 is a proposed upgrade to a double circuit 69-kV overhead line; Segment 2 is a proposed upgrade to a double circuit 69-kV overhead line; Segment 3, Option 1 is a new double circuit 69-kV overhead subtransmission line; and Segment 3, Option 2 is a new double circuit 69-kV overhead subtransmission line located approximately 600 to 900 feet west of Segment 3, Option 1.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Sacramento Municipal Utility District Metro Air Park Neighborhood Electric Distribution Project
Sacramento Municipal Utility District Metro Air Park Neighborhood Electric Distribution Project
Sacramento Municipal Utility District Metro Air Park Neighborhood Electric Distribution Project