SCH Number 2005072061

Project Info

Bear Mountain Road Realignment
The project involves the realignment of approximately 2,000 feet of Bear Mountain Road to remove substandard horizontal and vertical curves, and improve sight distance. The roadway will be widened from an existing roadway width averaging 23 feet with little or no shoulder to 32 feet of paved roadway with four-foot graded shoulders on each side. Roadway cuts are anticipated to be up to 20 feet, with fills of up to seven feet. An existing 290-foot radius curve will be replaced with a 660-foot radius curve allowing an 45 MPH design speed; the existing roadway wil be demolished and removed. The project will also involve the relocation of three utility poles, an underground telephone line, guardrails, mailboxes, fences, and signs; and the alteration of drainage ditches, culverts, driveways, and the intersection of Bear Mountain Road and Jennifer Drive. The project will require approximately two acres of new right-of-way acquisition from nine separate parcels.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Shasta County Bear Mountain Road Realignment
Shasta County Bear Mountain Road Realignment