SCH Number 2005062111

Project Info

Proposed Lower Yuba River Accord
This project involves the transfer by Cordua irrigation District of up tp 9,080 acre-feet of its pre-1914 water right water to Dudley Ridge water District and Kern County Water Agencies. Water being transferred is being made avaialble by groundwater substitution by CID. The transfer water will flow to the Sacramento-San Joawuin Delta, where it will be pumped by DWR at the State Water Project Banks Pumping Plant and conveyed to DRWD's KCWA's service area.
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28 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Yuba County Water Agency Conveyance of 2020 Water Transfers from Cordua Irrigation District to Dudley Ridge Water District, Alameda County Water District, County of Kings, and Kern...
Yuba County Water Agency Lower Yuba River Accord – Coordination of Cordua Irrigation District’s 2020 Water Transfer
Yuba County Water Agency Conveyance of 2018 Water Transfers from Cordua Irrigation District to Dudley Ridge Water District and Kern County water Agency
Yuba County Water Agency Proposed Lower Yuba River Accord: Water Transfer to East Bay Municipal Utility District in 2016
Yuba County Water Agency Lower Yuba River Accord - July-September Transfers through FRWA Intake
Yuba County Water Agency Petition for Change to Add San Luis Dam Point of Rediversion
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Yuba County Water Agency Lower Yuba River Accord - Addition of San Luis Dam Point of Rediversion
Yuba County Water Agency Petition for Change
Yuba County Water Agency Petition for Temporary Urgency Change
Yuba County Water Agency Agreement with the California Department of Water Resources and Yuba County Water Agency
Yuba County Water Agency Agreement with the California Department of Water Resources and Yuba County Water Agency
Yuba County Water Agency Agreement with the California Department of Water Resources and Yuba County Water Agency
Yuba County Water Agency Agreement with the California Department of Water Resources and Yuba County Water Agency
Yuba County Water Agency Agreement with the California Department of Water Resources and Yuba County Water Agency
Yuba County Water Agency Agreement with the California Department of Water Resources and Yuba County Water Agency
Yuba County Water Agency Agreement with the California Department of Water Resources and Yuba County Water Agency
Yuba County Water Agency Agreement with the California Department of Water Resources and Yuba County Water Agency
Yuba County Water Agency Agreement with the California Department of Water Resources and Yuba County Water Agency
Yuba County Water Agency Proposed Lower Yuba River Accord - Conjunctive Use Agreement
Yuba County Water Agency Proposed Lower Yuba River Accord - Conjunctive Use Agreement
Yuba County Water Agency Proposed Lower Yuba River Accord - Conjunctive Use Agreement
Yuba County Water Agency Proposed Lower Yuba River Accord
Yuba County Water Agency Proposed Lower Yuba River Accord
Yuba County Water Agency Proposed Lower Yuba River Accord
Yuba County Water Agency Proposed Lower Yuba River Accord
Yuba County Water Agency Proposed Lower Yuba River Accord
Yuba County Water Agency Proposed Lower Yuba River Accord