SCH Number 2005052107
Project Info
- Title
- Fox Hollow
- Description
- This proposed project involves development of 21.06 acres of undeveloped land (APN 157-020-009) into single-family residential units, access roads, includes filling of 0.41 acres of seasonal wetlands, constructing two outfalls to Peterson Creek for stormwater drainage, landscaping, and associated infrastructure as well as developing 0.73 acres of land adjacent to this parcel including filling of 0.003 acres of seasonal wetlands, improvements to the frontage road, construction of a gravel access road above the sewer line alignment, construction of a pedestrian footpath and other associated infrastructure. Of the 23.05-acre project site, 0.41 acres of wetlands and 0.89 acres of uplands will not be developed.
4 documents in project