SCH Number 2005051144
Project Info
- Title
- 490 Bauchet Street
- Description
- The Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) is proposing to approve a draft Removal Action Workplan (RAW) pursuant under Chapter 6.8, Division 20, California Health & Safety Code (H&SC). The RAW has been prepared on behalf of Sempra Energy by Tetra Tech Inc. to remove the contaminated soil. The proposed removal action project at the Site is being implemented under the direction of DTSC as part of the Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP). The excavation starts from the surface to approximately 25 feet deep. Approximately 18,382 cubic yards of contaminated soil will be removed from the Site. The contaminated soil will be transported to an offsite facility for treatment and disposal. Following the removal of the contaminated soil, the Site will be backfilled, compacted and graded. The goal of the removal action is to reduce concentrations of chemicals of potential concern, in order to eliminate future exposure to humans and potential ecological receptors. In addition, the removal action will reduce the potential for migration of contaminates to the groundwater, beneath the Site. Removal activities would begin in spring or summer of 2005 and will last approximately 12 weeks. Fieldwork is expected to take place Monday through Friday during daylight hours.
2 documents in project