SCH Number 2005021130
Project Info
- Title
- Wastewater Treatment Facilities Improvements Phase 1
- Description
- This is a recirculated NOI for a recirculated Initial Study for the City of Gonzales wastewater treatment facilities Phase 1 expansion, which would increase the current permitted monthly-averaged max. daily flow of .763 mgd to 1.3 mgd. This project allows the City of Gonzales to respond to the incremental increase in demand for wastewater capacity related to General Plan buildout. This increase will be accomplished through new headwords to include new grinder, new larger capacity pumps, and new inlet pipes between the headwords and the treatment ponds. New aerators will be installed in each of the six facultative treatment ponds. Furthermore, to optimize nitrogen removal existing percolation basins will be subdivided into smaller sub-basins.
2 documents in project