SCH Number 2005012046

Project Info

iStar General Plan Amendment and Rezoning
1) Change the site's General Plan Land Use/ Transportation Diagram designation from Industrial Park to Mixed Use with No Underlying Land Use Designation, and update the General Plan's Mixed Use Inventory via a text amendment; 2) Rezone the site from A(PD) Planned Development zoning district to A(PD) Planned Development zoning district to allow a commercial and industrial mixed-use project; 2) Designate one or more new Arterial and/or Major Collector roadways on the General Plan Transportation Diagram; 4) Increase the building height limit on the site from 45 to 120 feet; and 5) Modify the Edenvale Area Development Policy and the Edenvale Redevelopment Area to specifically include and provide for the development of the site.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of San Jose iStar General Plan Amendment and Rezoning
City of San Jose iStar Property General Plan Amendment