SCH Number 2004121068

Project Info

Santa Margarita River Conjunctive Use Project
Fallbrook Public Utility District (FPUD) filed petitions for a 50-year extension of time to complete construction and beneficial use of water under water right Permits 8511, 11375, and 21471B. FPUD also filed change petitions for the water right Permits and License 10494 to abandon its authorized two-dam project and add direct diversion, underground storage and offstream storage, and to consolidate the purposes and places of use amond the Permits and License, to facilitate the Santa Margarita River Conjunctive User Project. The project will provide a physical solution to the long-term rights litigation between FPUD and Camp Pendleton.
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7 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
State Water Resources Control Board Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton Southern Water System (MCB CamPen SWS), New Well 2604 (Project)
Fallbrook Public Utility District Santa Margarita Conjunctive Use Project
Fallbrook Public Utility District Santa Margarita River Conjunctive Use Project - Water Rights Petitions
Fallbrook Public Utility District Santa Margarita River Conjunctive Use Project
Fallbrook Public Utility District Santa Margarita River Conjunctive Use Project
Fallbrook Public Utility District Santa Margarita River Conjunctive Use Project
Fallbrook Public Utility District Santa Margarita River Conjunctive Use Project