SCH Number 2004091078
Project Info
- Title
- Bryant Industrial Area Plan
- Description
- The proposed area plan provides a description of the specific roadway extensions and intersection improvements that are contemplated by the Circulation Element and the policy context and framework behind those improvements. It also describes the existing and potential land uses within the study area and the long term effects, most notably, traffic generation, of the probable buildout of the area upon the circulation system. Based upon the evaluation of the trip generation at build-out and roadway and intersection capacity, the study evaluates the implications of build-out with regard to traffic and circulation impacts. The study also prescribes a preferred method of financing the proposed roadway and intersection improvements i.e., a trip mitigation fee program. Salient environmental issues would involve traffic and circulation, air quality and cultural resources. Probable environmental effects of the project would involve traffic and circulation.
2 documents in project