SCH Number 2003052128

Project Info

Former Chemical & Pigment Company Site
The Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) is approving The final Remedial Action Plan (RAP) pursuant to authority granted under Chapter 6.8, Division 20, California Health & Safety Code (H&SC). The purpose of this RAP is to implement remedial action for the Site that is protective of public health and safety and the environment. For the purposes of developing remedial alternatives, the Site was divided into three areas referred to as operable units (OUs). OU1 is the Former Plant area and the South Field, OU2 is Nichols Creek between Port Chicago Highway to the south and the Atchison Topeka Santa Fe Railroad to the north and OU3 is groundwater. The scope of the remedial actions are 1) OU1 - demolition and offsite disposal of waste concrete and asphalt and the placement of a clean soil cap over the entire former plant area, 2) OU2-excavate two feet of contaminated sediments in the north portion of the Nichols Creek (to be placed under the soil cap in OU1) and place two feet of containment cap in the excavation void in Nichols Creek resulting in little change to the creek shape, and 3) OU3-implement monitored natural attenuation which includes the installation of new ground water monitoring wells, monitoring the entire well network for stability or attenuation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and for stability of metal concentrations in ground water. The RAP was prepared in accordance with H&SC Seciton 25356.1. It is estimated that the project duration will be about 3 months.
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California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Chemical & Pigment Company Site
California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Former Chemical & Pigment Company Site
California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Chemical & Pigment Company Site
California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Chemical & Pigment Company Site