SCH Number 2003029021
Project Info
- Title
- TPM 20616; Log 92-14-013; Borysewicz
- Description
- The Applicant proposes to alter two unnamed tributaries to the West Branch of San Vicente Creek to accommodate the construction of the Borysewicz Subdivision Project (SAA #1600-2008-0182-R5). The Borysewicz Subdivision Project is located on a 67-acre site, currently supporting a single-family residence. The project consists of four additional residential housing pads (parcels) and construction of an access road and driveways. Approximately 40 percent of the site will remain undeveloped. The project impacts 489 square feet (0.01 acre) of streambed and includes grading and fill within two unnamed tributaries to the west branch of San Vicente Creek to accommodate the following activities: a) The first drainage is approximately 3-feet wide and 100-feet long, the second drainage is approximately 3-feet wide and 63-feet long. Both drainages will be graded and filled and 18-inch corrugated metal pipes (CMP) will be placed and headwalls will be constructed; b) Construction phase Best Management Practices (BMPS) include silt fencing, fiber rolls, gravel bags stabilized construction ingress and egress, bonded fiber matrix, straw blanket mats, area drain inlet protection and general site management; c) On-site creation of 914 square feet (0.02) acre of wetland habitat to satisfy Regional Water Quality Board (RWQB) water quality mitigation requirements.
2 documents in project