SCH Number 2003021008

Project Info

County (Summit Station Area) Land Use Ordinance Amendment ED98-397, G980008N
The basis for recirculation of the EIR is due primarily to the release of new water information that conflicts with previous studies and the conclusions reached in the Draft EIR. As provided for under the California Environmental Quality Act (Section 15088.5(g)), a recirculated EIR shall be prepared to evaluate and focus on this new information. The project description remains the same, which proposes a Land Use Ordinance Amendment to delete two of the Summit Station planning area standards (South County), which currently applies to approximately 930 acres. The first proposed deletion would allow further subdivisions within Summit Station, which would allow for about 46 additional parcels. The second proposed deletion would remove the secondary residence limitation standard, which would allow up to 184 additional secondary residences.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
San Luis Obispo County County (Summit Station Area) Land Use Ordinance Amendment ED98-397, G980008N
San Luis Obispo County County (Summit Station Area) Land Use Ordinance Amendment; ED98-397
San Luis Obispo County County (Summit Station Area) Land Use Ordinance Amendment; ED98-397