SCH Number 2002121051
Project Info
- Title
- Crystal Geyser Roxane: Beverage Bottling Plant Light Industrial Project
- Description
- The initial project is a request for development of a bottling plant for mineral water, juices and teas on approximately 10 acres in the southeast portion of the 120.4-acre project site. A Zone Reclassification is also proposed that will rezone the 120-acre property from OS-40 (Open Space, 40-acre minimum parcel size) and, RR-5.0 MH (Rural Residential, 5.0 acre minimum parcel size with a mobile home overlay) for the 20-acre "triangle" parcel between the LADWP aqueduct and U.S. Highway 395, to M-2-5.0 (Light Industrial, 5.0-acre minimum parcel size).
2 documents in project