SCH Number 2002111020

Project Info

2003 Owens Valley PM 10 Planning Area Demonstration of Attainment State Implementation Plan
Amend authorized improvements to include implementation of Tillage with Best Available Control Measures Backup on 11 Dust Control Areas, totaling 4.12 square miles, that are currently flooded. The State Lands Commission action is an amendment of a 20-year General Lease - Public Agency Use through April 30, 2019.
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6 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Great Basin Air Pollution Control District Owens Lake Tillage with Best Available Control Measures Backup Project
Great Basin Air Pollution Control District Final EIR Owens Valley PM10 Planning Area Demonstration of Attainment SIP - 2003 Rev.
Great Basin Air Pollution Control District Final EIR Owens Valley PM10 Planning Area Demonstration of Attainment SIP - 2003 Rev.
Great Basin Air Pollution Control District 2003 Owens Valley PM 10 Planning Area Demonstration of Attainment State Implementation Plan
Great Basin Air Pollution Control District 2003 Owens Valley PM 10 Planning Area Demonstration of Attainment State Implementation Plan
Great Basin Air Pollution Control District 2003 Owens Valley PM 10 Planning Area Demonstration of Attainment State Implementation Plan