SCH Number 2002071007
Project Info
- Title
- Telegraph Canyon Road Widening
- Description
- The project consists of the approval of the widening of the north side of Telegraph Canyon Road from the Interstate 805 northbound on-ramp to approximately 1,000 feet east of Halecrest Drive in order to provide an additional westbound lane. The project requires the acquisition of a portion of APN 639-080-22 (ARCO gas station property situated immediately west of Halecrest Drive); therefore, the project actions also include determining and declaring the public interest and necessity for acquiring this additional street right-of-way and authorizing condemnation and immediate possession of this property. Environmental impacts associated with the construction of the project were addressed in Final Mitigated Negative Declaration IS-02-35, adopted by the City Council on September 17, 2002; minor project design modifications have been made subsequent to its adoption.
3 documents in project