SCH Number 2002031023

Project Info

East Penasquitos Sewer Line Improvement & Restoration Project
California Department of Fish and Game is intending to execute a Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement pursuant to Section 1603 (SAA# R5-2002-0183) of the Fish and Game Code to the project applicant, Lankford and Associates, Inc. The applicant proposes to alter the streambed to install 47 linear feet of new 24-inch diameter PVC sewer main including two new manholes, rehabilitate and upgrade approximately 1,842 linear feet of existing 24-inch diameter sewer main and six manholes utilizing slip-lining technologies, improve approximately 2,700 linear feet of existing long term maintenance paths, demolish the 3.82 acre abandoned Pomerado Wastewater Treatment Plant. Mitigation will consist of the onsite creation of 0.74 acres of southern willow scrub. Plant communities found onsite include coastal sage scrub, southern mixed chaparral, baccharis scrub, freshwater marsh, and mulefat scrub. The project is located southeast of the intersection of Poway Road and Interstate 15 within Los Penasquitos Canyon Preserve adjacent to Los Penasquitos Creek in the City of San Diego, San Diego County.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of San Diego East Penasquitos Sewer Line Improvement & Restoration Project
City of San Diego East Penasquitos Sewer Line Improvement & Restoration Project
City of San Diego East Penasquitos Sewer Line Improvement & Restoration Project