SCH Number 2001032002

Project Info

U.S. Highway 50/Harbor Boulevard Interchange Improvements and Ramp Modifications
The project proposes to improve the existing Type L-8 partial cloverleaf interchange on U.S. 50 at Harbor Boulevard in the City of West Sacramento to provide for anticipated traffic demand. The project also proposes to widen Harbor Boulevard from four to six lanes between Evergreen Avenue and Beacon Boulevard.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California Department of Transportation, District 3 U.S. Highway 50/Harbor Boulevard Interchange Improvements and Ramp Modification Project
California Department of Transportation, District 3 U.S. Highway 50/Harbor Boulevard Interchange Improvements and Ramp Modifications
California Department of Transportation, District 3 U.S. Highway 50/Harbor Boulevard Interchange Improvements and Ramp Modifications