SCH Number 2001021121

Project Info

Tentative Tract Map 50283 - Gate King Project
Project involves the subdivision of an approx. 508-acre site to allow the development of a 4.2 million sq. ft. industrial park. The project would involve about 5.7 million cubic yards of earth movement (cut and fill) and the direct removal of up to about 1,408 oak trees on-site. An estimated 207.6 acres of the site would be dedicated to the City of Santa Clarita as permanent open space. The project involves amending the City of Santa Clarita General Plan land use designations on much of the site, eliminating the Residential Estate (RE) and Community Commercial (CC) designations from the site and designating the entire site either Industrial Commercial (IC) or Open Space (OS).
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10 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Santa Clarita The Center at Needham Ranch Phase 2 Drainage Improvements Project
City of Santa Clarita Gate-King Industrial Park Project
City of Santa Clarita Gate-King Industrial Park Project
City of Santa Clarita Gate-King Industrial Park
City of Santa Clarita Gate-King Industrial Park
City of Santa Clarita Tentative Tract Map 50283 - Gate King Project
City of Santa Clarita Gate-King Industrial Park
City of Santa Clarita Gate-King Industrial Park
City of Santa Clarita Gate-King Industrial Park
City of Santa Clarita MC 99-246/Tentative Tract Map 50283