SCH Number 2000101087

Project Info

Rodman-Wagoner Minor Use Permit and Variance
Proposal by Thomas Rodman/Robert Wagner for a Variance/Coastal Development Permit to allow grading in slopes and excess of the 20% threshold set by planning area standards and a Minor Use Permit/ Coastal Development permit to allow an approximately 3,500 square foot 2 story residence and garage with related site grading and improvements, in the Residential Suburban Land Use Category. The property is located in the county on the southern side of Alamo Drive at its terminus, approximately 300 feet from the intersection of Alamo Drive and Rodman Drive, adjacent to Cabrillo Estates in the community of Los Osos, APN: 074-021-035.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
San Luis Obispo County Rodman-Wagoner Minor Use Permit and Variance